Sunday, January 25, 2009

Obomba Watch

Within days of gaining control of the US military, Obama has become a child-eater. Whether he has as large an appetite for children as our last president remains to be seen.

How did he justify an air-strike on foreign soil with high risk of civilian casualties? Here are two possibilities:
  • He believed that this particular target was a legitimate threat to the US homeland, either immediate or in the distant future. But this doesn't sit right. If Obama believes that more intrusion into foreign lands increases our national security, then we have over-estimated his intelligence.
  • He wanted to set an early precedent to show conservative America that he is not the pro-Muslim-Obama-bin-Sama-Hussein-anti-Christ that they feared. With the blood of a few Muslim children in his hands, no one can accuse him of compromising American security for the sake of mere Muslims.


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